You won't see Phillips & Associates advertising on billboards, bus benches or those obnoxious TV and radio ads. The vast majority of our cases are referred to us by satisfied former clients. We believe that being able to sustain a busy personal injury practice primarily through referrals is the ultimate testament to the quality of the services we provide.
What sets us apart? We focus on each client as a person and recognize that no two injury cases are the same. Everyone has a unique story that deserves to be heard. It is by learning that story and effectively communicating it to the other side--or to a jury, if necessary--that we achieve the best possible results for our clients time and time again.

Disputed liability car accident with catastrophic injuries

Slip-and-fall with pre-existing spinal injuries

Policy limits settlement in auto versus pedestrian accident

Pedestrian struck while jaywalking suffering serious head injuries

Trip-and-fall outside restaurant resulting in hip fracture

Product liability case alleging that product caused delayed onset cancer

Emotional distress, physical injuries and property damage due to structure fire

Disputed liability car accident with serious injuries

Trip-and-fall resulting in broken pelvis
We go above and beyond for our clients. Read what they have to say...